Working with workspaces

For the sake of this example we will assume a josh-proxy instance is running and serving a repo on http://josh/world.git with some shared code in shared.

Create a new workspace

To create a new workspace in the path ws/hello simply clone it as if it already exists:

$ git clone http://josh/world.git:workspace=ws/hello.git

git will report that you appear to have cloned an empty repository if that path does not yet exist. If you don't get this message it means that the path already exists in the repo but may not yet have configured any path mappings.

The next step is to add some path mapping to the workspace.josh file in the root of the workspace:

$ cd hello
$ echo "mod/a = :/shared/a" > workspace.josh

And and commit the changes:

$ git add workspace.josh
$ git commit -m "add workspace"

If the path did not exist previously, the resulting commit will be a root commit that does not share any history with the world.git repo. This means a normal git push will be rejected at this point. To get correct history, the resulting commit needs to be a based on the history that already exists in world.git. There is however no way to do this locally, because we don't have the data required for this. Also, the resulting tree should contain the contents of shared/a mapped to mod/a which means it needs to be produced on the server side because we don't have the files to put there.

To accomplish that push with the create option:

$ git push -o create origin master

Note: While it is perfectly possible to use Josh without a code review system, it is strongly recommended to use some form of code review to be able to inspect commits created by Josh before they get into the immutable history of your main repository.

As the resulting commit is created on the server side we need to get it from the server:

$ git pull --rebase

Now you should see mod/a populated with the content of the shared code.

Map a shared path into a workspace

To add shared path to a location in the workspace that does not exist yet, first add an entry to the workspace.josh file and commit that.

You can add the mapping at the end of the file using a simple syntax, and rely on josh to rewrite it for you in a canonical way.

new/mapping/location/in/workspace = :/new/mapping/location/in/monorepo

At this point the path is of course empty, so the commit needs to be pushed to the server. When the same commit is then fetched back it will have the mapped path populated with the shared content.

When the commit is pushed, josh will notify you about the rewrite. You can fetch the rewritten commit using the advertised SHA. Alternatively, you can use git sync which will do it for you.

Publish a non-shared path into a shared location

The steps here are exactly the same as for the mapping example above. The only difference being that the path already exists in the workspace but not in the shared location.

Remove a mapping

To remove a mapping remove the corresponding entry from the workspace.josh file. The content of the previously shared path will stay in the workspace. That means the main repo will have two copies of that path from that point on. Effectivly creating a fork of that code.

Remove a mapped path

To remove a mapped path as well as it's contents, remove the entry from the workspace.josh file and also remove the path inside the workspace using git rm.