
Currently the Josh project mainly uses integration tests for it's verification, so make sure you will be able to run and check them.

The following sections will describe how to run the different kind's of tests used for the verification of the Josh project.

UnitTests & DocTests

cargo test --all

Integration Tests

1. Setup the test environment

Due to the fact that the integration tests need additional tools and a more complex environment and due to the fact that the integration test are done using cram. you will need to crate an extra environment to run these tests. To simplify the setup of the integration testing we have setup a Nix Shell environment which you can start by using the following command if you have installed the Nix Shell.

Attention: Currently it is still necessary to install the following tools in your host system.

  • curl
  • hyper_cgi
    cargo install hyper_cgi --features=test-server

Setup the Nix Shell

Attention: When running this command the first time, this command will take quite a bit to finish. You also will need internet access while executing this command. Depending on performance of your connection the command will take more or less time.

nix-shell shell.nix

Once the command is finished you will be prompted with the nix-shell which will provide the needed shell environment to execute the integration tests.

2. Verify you have built all necessary binaries

cargo build
cargo build --bin josh-filter
cargo build --manifest-path josh-proxy/Cargo.toml
cargo build --manifest-path josh-ui/Cargo.toml

3. Setup static files for the josh-ui

cd josh-ui 
trunk build 
cd ..

4. Run the integration tests

Attention: Be aware that all tests except the once in experimental should be green.

sh run-tests.sh -v tests/

UI Tests

TBD: Currently disabled, stabilize, enable and document process.